Selasa, 22 Mac 2011
Dyno Test @ Dynometer
Saya tgk kebelakangan ni byk org bertanya mengenai dyno atau dynamometer. So disini saya akan ceritakan serba sedikit mengenai dyno, jenis dyno, apa yg boleh diukur dpd dyno, dsb.
Dyno atau dynamometer yg digunakan selalunya kita boleh bahagi kpd 2 jenis, samada: 1)chasis dyno 2)engine dyno. Yg sering kita lihat & jumpa ialah chasis dyno.
Chasis dyno ni dyno jenis yg kita bawak kereta, drive sampai tayar atas rollers & kita boleh mula measure variables yg kita nak ukur. Kereta yg AWD perlu dyno yg lain sebab rollers perlu diletak pd keempat2 tayar utk mendapat bacaan yg tepat. Selalunya chasis kereta diikat pd point2 tertentu utk mengelakkan pergerakan yg boleh bagi bacaan tak tepat.
Apa yg boleh kita ukur? Selalunya kita bole dptkan air/fuel ratio, intake temp, exhaust temp, CO2 emmision, power, traction, dsb. So bila kita pergi dyno kereta kita, tanya tuan kedai, apa yg dia ukur, apa yg dia buat etc, jgn just bawak kereta, letak atas rollers, rev tinggi, then bayar ratus. Apa yg kita nak ialah comprehensive analysis mengenai enjin kita, bukan just power figure. Power figure tak bagitau yg enjin kita lean pd rev tertentu, yg mana tunggu masa je nak jadi detonation & tunggu masa saja poket kita nak kosong sebab kena rebuild enjin. Be critical, fikir, & analisa sendiri apa yg kita buat. Make sure juga dia letak kipas bsar depan intake kereta kita, or else jadi heat build up, yg mana boleh bagi result yg tak tepat & kalau teruk heat soak tu boleh rosakkan enjin kita sendiri, so hati2. Bila dah dpt power curve pd graf, jgn terus puas hati. Pastikan power curve tersebut reproducable/repeatable, yg mana bilasampai tahap tersebut baru menunjukkan nilai yg sebenar. Jika hanya sekali sahaja, kita tak boleh pasti samada power curve tersebut just by luck ke, ada faktor2 lain sebabkan ke cthnya pergerakan chasis, dsb. Kalau repeatable, then baru boleh confirm yg itulah final curve yg boleh kita dpt dpd enjin tu. Kalau tak faham nak baca curve tersebut, tanya tuan kedai, kalau dia sendiri tak boleh explain, saya cadangkan cari kedai lain next time (kalau nak mintak tolong saya interpret pun tak pa, just email me in jpeg form) Nilai yg kita dpt bila menggunakan chasis dyno ialah power reading "on wheel". Graf chasis dyno akan plot power & tractive effort, bukan power & torque spt engine dyno. Tractive effort ni berkadar terus la dgn torque, tapi ianya mengambil kira drivetrain loss, tyre diameter, dsb.
Selain dpd chasis dyno, satu lagi jenis dyno yg jarang kita jumpa ialah engine dyno. Engine dyno selalunya digunakan oleh car manufacturers, racing company, dsb yg nak exact performance dpd enjin tersebut. Advantage engine performance ni ialah byk variable yg kita boleh ukur, boleh kita ubah & boleh kita kawal. Data logging mmg mudah, so senang nak buat analisa lepas dyno. Byk lagi sensor yg boleh digunakan so boleh kata hampir semua variable boleh kita tahu nilainya. Dgn engine dyno pun lagi senang utk push enjin 100% pd masa yg lama, cthnya utk replicate situasi semasa race/on track etc2. Disadvantagenya? Enjin perlu dibawa keluar dpd chasis lah sebelum guna engine dyno. Harganya pun mmg lebih mahal utk buat engine dyno, yg mana tidak cost effective kalau kita nak buat minor adjustment cthnya lepas adjust management system, upgrade parts etc2. Engine dyno adalah dyno yg paling tepat utk dptkan power figure bagi enjin tersebut, tapi kita kena ambil kira faktor2 lain spt kos dsb.
So sekarang kita dah faham jenis & perbezaan dyno machine yg ada, kita kena juga tahu apa faktor2 lain yg boleh merubah power curve enjin kita.
Bila kita pilih satu2 kedai utk dyno kereta kita, yg plg penting kita nak kena tau ialah berapa tepat dyno machine tersebut? Kalau tak accurate, tak guna kita bayar ratus2 utk dyno enjin kita, buang duit je. Bila last dia calibrate? Dia ada buat atmospheric correction? Atmospheric correction ni penting utk calibrate machine dgn air pressure, tempreature, humidity yg spesifik dgn tempat dyno tersebut. Kalau dia tak buat correction, result boleh lari jauh dpd asal. Apa jenis petrol yg digunakan? Kdg2, sesetengah kedai dia test menggunakan petrol sendiri, yg mana selalunya lagi berkualiti/RON tinggi, cthnya 98+RON atau menggunakan octane booster. Ini boleh bagi misleading result sebab dgn ptrol RON tinggi/octane booster, kita boleh push enjin tu lebih power dpd sepatutnya cthnya timing, boost pressure etc2, yg mana akan bagi power curve yg lagi tinggi. Tapi bila kita isi petrol yg tak sama, kita tak boleh dpt performance yg sama sebab most likely akan jadi knocking, & ECU enjin kita akan retard timing yg mana akan bagi performance yg lagi rendah dpd yg kita jangkakan. Adakah kedai tersebut juga pakai lubricants-nya sendiri sebelum dyno kereta kita? Dgn oil temp yg tinggi & water/coolant temp rendah, boleh bagi extra power pd enjin dgn kurangkan friction dsb. Pd gear berapa power curve tu dia dpt? Kalau setakat low gear-low speed test, then dia teka2 je power figure kita, rugi je la dyno kedai tu, bohong je tu. Ada dia ubah timing masa test & adjust balik/rendahkan balik bila bagi dkt kita? Ni boleh bagi power curve yg tak tepat jugak, & obviously penipu, boleh bawak tribunal pengguna ni
Then kita tgk mcm mana peak power figure utk enjin kita. Mmg kita nak dptkan yg lg bagus, yg paling tinggi utk enjin kita, tetapi kita kena tau mcm mana nak consider power curve tu bagus ke tidak. Selalunya dia bagi kita figure yg kata x kW at 7000rpm, cthnya la. Tapi, itu pd peak rpm. Yg penting kita nak tahu ialah mcm mana power curve kita pd nrmal rpm range, iaitu rpm range yg selalu kita guna hari2? Berapa lama sgt enjin kita push sampai 7000rpm or 8000rpm atau lebih pd setiap masa? Berberapa saat je. So yg penting kita tgk rpm range yg ideal/usable range, katakanlah utk satu kereta turbocharged, rpm idealnya dari 4500-8000rpm, enjin tu boleh hasilkan 252kW@8000rpm, & pd range 4500-8000rpm, power outputnya dlm anggaran 245kW. Then ada satu lagi kereta, boleh produce 270kW@8000rpm, obviously kita nampak lagi tinggi, tapi pd range 5000-8000rpm, outputnya hanya dlm anggaran 235kW. Obviously kereta yg pertama boleh outperform kereta kedua on road (saya tekankan disini 'on-road', bukan pd track, yg mana kereta yg kita akan selalu drive ni akan digunakan on road pun, bukan bawak ke track unless utk race, itupun utk short sprint, 400m, 0-100km/h mmg boleh menang lagi. Apa yg saya maksudkan track ialah race full circuit spt F1 etc2. Yg ni saya akan terangkan kemudian mcm mana nak buat).
Jumaat, 18 Mac 2011
PROTON Inspira Hasil Kerjasama Mitsubishi Motor Corporation (MMC)
Sentuhan teknologi Lotus mampu mempertingkatkan ciri pemanduan
PROTON Inspira yang telah dilancarkan 10 November lepas, menawarkan pengalaman pemanduan berbeza berbanding Mitsubishi Lancer yang ada dalam pasaran ketika ini, terutama aspek keselesaan pengendalian berikutan sentuhan teknologi Lotus pada model itu.
Pengurus Projek PROTON Inspira PROTON Holdings Bhd (PROTON), Zulkiflee Bidin, berkata sentuhan teknologi Lotus itu mempertingkatkan ciri pemanduan dan pengendalian model berkenaan, sekali gus memberikan pemandu serta penumpang Inspira pengalaman memandu lebih menarik dan selesa.
“Mitsubishi Lancer yang ada di pasaran ketika ini adalah model yang dipasarkan untuk segmen tertentu, khususnya golongan muda yang sukakan kenderaan yang tegar dan sporty.
“Bagi Inspira, selain mengekalkan ciri tegar serta sporty, ia turut dibangunkan bagi memenuhi keperluan keluarga yang mahukan kereta selesa tetapi kualiti pemanduan kelas terbaik.
“Dengan menerapkan teknologi Lotus dalam pemanduan dan pengendalian, model sedan baru PROTON ini dijangka mampu memikat dan menarik perhatian semua golongan termasuk mereka yang berkeluarga,” katanya pada taklimat media ketika lawatan ke kilang pemasangan Inspira di Shah Alam, semalam.
PROTON Inspira dibangunkan bersama oleh PROTON dengan Mitsubishi Motor Corporation (MMC) dari Jepun menerusi kerjasama strategik baru antara syarikat berkenaan.
Menerusi kerjasama itu, MMC menawarkan model Lancer versi terkininya kepada PROTON untuk diubah suai dan dikeluarkan sebagai model PROTON.
Syarikat Jepun itu juga sebelum ini mengadakan kerjasama hampir sama dengan Peugeot yang mana model Outlander diubahsuai serta dikeluarkan sebagai model SUV syarikat Perancis itu.
Zulkiflee berkata, peningkatan pengendalian dan keselesaan pemanduan yang dilaksanakan PROTON itu mendapat pujian MMC apabila tiga juruteranya yang ditugaskan memantau pembangunan model itu, memberikan maklum balas positif selepas memandu uji Inspira.
“Meskipun hasrat PROTON untuk membuat beberapa perubahan kepada Inspira ditentang, namun selepas beberapa sesi penerangan dan ujian, mereka terkejut dengan peningkatan dibuat, sekali gus memuji usaha PROTON itu,” katanya.
Inspira yang setakat 3 Oktober lalu sudah menerima 1,500 unit tempahan, akan ditawarkan pada harga permulaan RM79,888 seunit.
Sebanyak 300 unit model Inspira yang ditawarkan dengan dua kapasiti enjin iaitu 1.8 liter dan 2.0 liter dan didatangkan dalam empat warna iaitu merah, hitam, perak dan putih itu, kini sedia untuk diserahkan kepada pembeli, manakala hampir 500 unit dalam peringkat pengeluaran akhir.
– B.Harian
Talk About Formula One Cost
Formula One racing is among the most expensive of competitive sports. As a result corporate sponsorship is vital to keep a team competitive. Formula One racing team annual budgets are estimated to range from $66 million to $400 million. When the costs necessary to design and support a winning team are considered these estimates appear accurate.
Successful Formula One racing requires specially designed vehicles. A Formula One racing team includes engineers and designers who create innovative ways to improve racecar design, safety and speed. These engineers and designers require computers and testing equipment. In addition, new design ideas must be custom created prior to vehicle testing. Vehicles must be track tested to determine whether a new design feature will work. Aerodynamic design features require wind tunnel testing which adds an additional expense to the design-testing program.
Safety concerns and FIA regulations require specially formulated fabrics to be used in the making of Formula One racing overalls, helmets and portions of the racecar.
The maintenance and repair of the two Formula One racing vehicles is also an expensive part of racing. Racecar engines are required to last for an entire race weekend but are replaced before each weekend. Each racecar will require multiple tire replacements during a race. Specially formulated fuel is required to operate the racecars. Multiple replacement parts for every portion of the Formula One racing vehicle need to be on hand at each circuit to prepare the car for the race.
Because Formula One World Championship races are held at circuits around the world travel and transportation budgets are high for Formula One racing teams. At European races allow the team to transport their cars, equipment, motor homes and kitchen equipment by truck convoy. Circuits outside of Europe require that most of the same items be transported by jumbo jet with fees charged for excess weight. Formula One racing teams must also pay transportation, food and lodging expenses for all the necessary teams members who participate in the race.
A Formula One racing team also consists of many behind the scenes employees who coordinate travel, handle publicity and perform other vital tasks. The number of team members required to operate a winning Formula One racing team results in an expensive payroll budget.
A new team considering joining Formula One racing has another expense to consider. A $47 million up-front payment to FIA is required from any new team that wishes to enter the Formula One World Championship. This deposit is repaid to the team throughout the race season.
During the 1990s technological advances caused a sharp increase in the cost of Formula One racing competition. Teams funded by large auto manufacturers had the advantage of deeper pockets as well as corporately supplied parts. As a result most independent teams were unable to maintain a competitive edge. Twenty-eight teams have left Formula One racing since 1990 as a result of the inability to match the financial resources for corporately funded teams.
The popularity of Formula One racing creates interest from corporate sponsors looking for a high-profile sport with plenty of merchandising opportunities. Sponsorships work as an income source that Formula One racing teams can use to offset their increasing expenses. Continued popularity of the sport is certain to result in additional sponsorships in the future. As the cost of Formula One racing continues to increase teams will look for new and innovative sources of income.
Jumaat, 11 Mac 2011
ape lagi,jom lagi pergi?ni bukan lumba haram la...polis pun ade tengok gak kadang-kadang....tengok teknologi budak-budak malaysia ni da makin maju...
Rabu, 2 Mac 2011
The New Proton Satria Neo maybe one of your choice of car to buy. Before you decide
to buy it, it is better to read some info and reviews about this hatcback sports car from Proton. Maybe now you are comparing between Satria Neo VS Perodua Myvi VS GEN2 VS SAGA BLM etc. Bear in mind, stick to what you choose, the design, performance or comfort. B
ut clearly this car fits all of the above characteristic. Except that it is actually small inside but look big outside due to the “wide body kit” styling at the wheel arc and bumpers. Many of the user of Satria Neo are complaining about the fuel comsumption because it uses the first generation of campro engine. But then, it also has a very attractive factors which is the sporty design.
The Proton Satria Neo was introduced in June 2006 as a replacement for the first generation Satria. Based
on a new platform developed in-house by Proton (with some parts borrowed from the bigger Gen-2 and W
aja), the car is currently only available in a three-door hatchback guise. The car was developed at a cost of RM500 million and four years, and was expected by Proton to generate a monthly sales volume of 2,000 to 2,500 units. The car was also intended to target those who are “youthful and sporty”. The Satria Neo was launched by Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
With a 0-62mph time of 11.5 seconds and a top speed of 200kph, the 1.6-engined test car is not fast but it is quick. Besides, with traffic conditions and legal limitations in Malaysia, the performance figures are more than adequate.
The Proton Satria Neo comes with just two engine choices; 1.3- and 1.6-litre, petrol units. Only the latter is available with a 4-speed automatic transmission but there is a penalty to making that choice – poorer fuel consumption about 10-14km/l, a slower sprint time and greater CO2 emissions than with the 5-speed manual box.
If emissions and frugality are important to you, it is better to go for the 1.6 manual. Official figures are posted as; 27.9mpg (urban), 61.4mpg (extra-urban) and 42.8mpg for the combined
cycle. In this format, the Satria Neo exhausts 157g/km CO2, which puts it in VED Band D and the insurance is Group 7.
The 1.6 engine produces 112PS (111bhp) at 6,000rpm and 148Nm (109 lb ft) at 4,000rpm The same collaborative engines and transmission can also be found in the GEN-2 but for the Satria, they have been tweaked for better low to medium acceleration and flexibility.
Criticisms of the car include the lack of headroom and legroom for rear passengers (even compared to the previous generation Satria), and lacklustre performance in comparison with the Satria GTi. The infamous torque dip of Proton’s Campro engine is also present
Proton Satria Neo 1.6 (A) specifications
Model 1.6 Engine
Transmission MT AT
Valve Mechanism DOHC 16V
Displacement 1597cc
Bore & Stroke 76.0 X 88.0 (mm)
Fuel System MPI
No. of Cylinders 4
Max. Power 82kW (110hp) @ 6000rpm
Max. Torque 148Nm @ 4000rpm
Max. Speed 190km/h 185km/h
(0 – 100km/h) 11.5 (sec) 13.7 (sec)
Fuel Consumption
(@ 90km/h) 6.1L/100km 6.9L/100km
Overall Length 3905mm
Overall Width 1710mm
Overall Height 1420mm
Wheelbase 2440mm
Front Track 1470mm
Rear Track 1470mm
Front Overhang 825mm
Rear Overhang 640mm
Kerb Weight 1159kg 1184kg
Fuel Tank Capacity 50L
Power Steering System Hydraulic Power Steering
Brake Service Front Ventilated Disc
Rear Solid Disc
Suspension Front MacPherson Strut with Stabiliser Bar
Rear Multilink with Stabiliser Bar
Tyre Size 195/50 R16″
Wheel Size 16″ X 7.0JJ
- A formidable CamPro 16v DOHC engine
- Able to reach a maximum speed in excess of 190km/h*
- 0-100km/h injust 11.5secs*
- Handling by Lotus
- Precise steering response
- MacPherson strut system
- 16″ tyres for 1.6, 15″ for 1.3
- Braking system with ABS and EBD*
- Integrated radio control system on steering wheel*
- Stylish A/C knob system
- Sporty Tempest Grey interior
- Easy folding rear passenger seats
- Bold and Engagiing textures
- Bucket seats
- High structural integrity
- Double impact bars for greater side impact protection
- Immobilizer system*
- CAPTOR vehicle tracking system*
- Integrated SRS dual airbag*
- Integrated reverse sensors*